Comments on: Antibiotics in Livestock Fuel Debate Over Hazardous Meat and Poultry How Safe is Your Food? Fri, 07 Oct 2011 00:30:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Roach Steve Roach Wed, 05 Oct 2011 15:54:56 +0000 The graphic on contributions is very questionable. If I put in the same range of dates on the site I get much higher numbers for the livestock industry 12 million for livestock which means pigs and beef cattle, 13 million for dairy, and 4 million for poultry and egg. Even more important is the pharmaceutical industry is missing from the livestock sector side or perhaps even lumped with medical groups. The graphic on contributions is very questionable. If I put in the same range of dates on the site I get much higher numbers for the livestock industry 12 million for livestock which means pigs and beef cattle, 13 million for dairy, and 4 million for poultry and egg. Even more important is the pharmaceutical industry is missing from the livestock sector side or perhaps even lumped with medical groups.
